Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2008

Learn how to read crease patterns!

I already wrote earlier about crease patterns in origami - I think they are fascinating, because they show the essence of what makes things (paper in this case) go from planar to plastic.
There are actually a lot of tutorials on basic crease pattern reading on the net! I am collecting some links here, but I have not yet found the time to test them. Still, merely by looking at a few simpler crease patterns, you already get the feel of how your brain should start working, and you start identifying little fingers or other elements, that just seem to jump out of the page/screen.
It was expecially on origami artist Eric Joisel's page, that this happened to me, even though the models are rather complex and I wouldn't be able to fold them. He doesn't teach a tutorial, but just explains a little about his creation process. has a nice tutorial.
There is also Eileen's Beginner's Guide to CP, which is looking good...

The whole crease pattern idea seems to have a lot to do with scripting origami patterns on a computer... I'll research more on that as soon as I can.

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